Clustering software should be able to make any application highly available without making change in the application.Clustering software allows you to have different kinds of tradeoffs for different applications It is not realistic to have complete redundancy for all applications.Monitor and orchestrate all components and specify policies to act deterministically in case of failures and other events.Multiple machines, power supplies, cooling systems, data centers.Multiple NICs and network paths from clients to clustered application.Multiple HBAs, switches, mirroring and paths to storage.

Logical failures: software bugs, operator errors, viruses.Needed for server type of applications (databases, app/web servers.Reduce planned and unplanned downtime of application.Availability = Availability of application.With support for some key parallel processing applications like Oracle RAC.High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters.Architectural overview of Cluster Server.Veritas Cluster Server Delivering Data Center Availability