Simon’s early Serra Angel vs no permanents on Rich’s side in game 1. The Summer Derby Finals were played on Friday, August 5th, and featured Simon Christie of the Houston Falling Stars (USA) versus returning finalist Rich Shay of NEOS (USA). After the batches were completed, a winnowed field of 16 players advanced to a single-elimination bracket. Pairings were released in two batches in late June and early July, with all participants asked to schedule and play eight individual matches in about four weeks.
This instance of the Summer Derby was played using the Swedish 93/94 B&R list, allowing the full range of original art/old card frame re-prints (Revised, 4th/Chronicles, CE/IE, FBB/FWB, etc.). Past Derby events have used the Swedish, Atlantic, and 4-Strip B&R lists (including Eternal Central, Pacific, and Boreal). The Derby series rotates between different 93/94 format variants every six months. Thanks to contributions from many of the players, I am humbled to report that we raised a total of $1,288 in support of Partners in Health’s COVID-19 response efforts around the world. While entry fees were not collected and the Derby series will always remain free to play, we once again encouraged donations at registration to support Partners in Health, a global nonprofit dedicated to providing a preferential option to the poor in health care. François (Popeye) giving Pascal (Halfasto) the 15-damage Psychic Purge salute as Wheel of Fortune resolves